I’d like to introduce Jenna Goodhand, from London, Ontario.
This is how she chooses to describe herself on her ABOUT tab on her Facebook Page:
Every day is the best day of my life and I can’t wait until tomorrow! ♥♥♥
In general I just want to live my life to the fullest in a way that doesnt cause harm to any other living thing. If I can use my life to make someone elses better then I have accomplished what I came here to do.
Yup, in a nutshell, that’s Jenna!
Jenna and I’s journey began via her Twitter Page (follow along!) At the time she was completing her Program as an Assistant for ISES – Institute for Social and European Studies, in KÅ‘szeg, Hungary.
From the start, our passion for helping others and sharing stories connected us. Whether is was skype, a facebook tag or an email to “The Sunshine Squad” we made sure we brought smiles to each other in our weekly banter. Over the last year, she and I have both grown into the women we are today. We’ve both been though our own mucky waters, silver linings and unexpected shifts in life.
Even though I was in the Carolinas and she in Canada, our common mission to make sure that everyone knows they are a someone, that each day, ordinary people are recognized as being extraordinary, fueled us to cheer each other on, in both good times and bad. We both really believe in the good in people. We believe in the power that one person can make a difference every day. Jenna is a beautiful example of the influence one person can have on another. In a positive way ♥♥♥
In life, Not only is timing everything. But, consciously choosing to make the most out of a moment during that time is what really matters. And Jenna not only captured the moment as a video, but this morning, I woke up to her sharing the moment on my Facebook Page.
And now I choose to share it with all of you.
It reads:
“Carlyn since I’ve met you every stranger I’ve met I’ve meant to share with Turning Strangers into Friends. Today I got a video to capture my most recent experience 🙂 While waiting for a good friend today I met this man. His singing was wonderful to listen to while I waited so I thanked him and asked if he could play Stand By Me. Afterwards he told me that a few months ago the apartment he was living in burned down. He moved into another apartment but the landlord wouldn’t fix the heating so he wouldn’t pay until she did. Instead she evicted him. He said for the first time in 65 years he is homeless and has no work. Now he is playing music until he earns enough money to buy a bus ticket to get him to Ottawa for a job and apartment a friend has set up for him. Wonderful soul and I’ll always wonder how he made out ♥”
Click below to watch the video